FertiliTea Преглед 2024

a description:

FertiliTea helps restore the secretion of hormones and thus stabilizes the functioning of the reproductive organs. It also normalizes menstrual cycle and ovarian health, thus enabling fertility and pregnancy. In addition, it helps get rid of most of the health problems that women suffer from, such as infections, bacterial infections, uterine muscle spasms, and other similar problems. Active ingredients: chamomile, nettle, lemon balm, yarrow, lady’s mantle, calendula.

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FertiliTea – what it is and how it works

It is important to note that  FertiliTea  , a tea intended for the reproductive system, can be useful as a therapeutic agent to facilitate pregnancy. It can be used in various cases, including hormonal disorders and gynecological diseases, as well as in cases of long-term attempts to get pregnant without success. Whether you are planning pregnancy or simply want to harmonize your menstrual cycle and achieve hormonal balance, FertiliTea, a tea designed for the reproductive system, is the right choice for you.

When FertiliTea enters your body, it starts working immediately and in several ways at once. For example, if you drink FertiliTea to relieve menstrual pain or PMS symptoms, this tea will work to reduce those pains. Additionally, if your main goal is to increase fertility and achieve future motherhood, FertiliTea, a tea designed for the reproductive system, will make sure you can achieve this goal.

On the other hand, if you are currently in menopause and find your symptoms unbearable, FertiliTea, the tea for the reproductive system, is here to help and alleviate your condition. That is, this tea will reduce all the symptoms of menopause and make it easier for you to pass this period easily and without pain.

The benefits of using FertiliTea for the reproductive system are:

  • Decrease in hormone levels.
  • Menstrual cycle stability.
  • Reducing hormones that affect stress

    FertiliTea – How to use it

    When preparing FertiliTea for the reproductive system, it is important to prepare it in the same way as other teas. Take a spoonful of FertiliTea and put it in a cup. Pour about two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water over the tea.

    After that, leave the tea for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which you can filter it and enjoy the drink. The recommended duration of consumption of this tea is four weeks, i.e. one month. It is recommended to use the tea for a minimum of one month, and a maximum of four months to obtain the best and best results. It is also not recommended to suddenly stop using FertiliTea.

    We advise you to consult your doctor if you are using FertiliTea for the reproductive system for the first time. Although this tea has been clinically tested and completely safe to use, user experiences with FertiliTea suggest that it should be taken with caution. !

    Fertili tea

    Ingredients list:

    • Chamomile
    • Nettle plant
    • Family book
    • dude
    • Ordinary fructa
    • Marigold.

    Side effects and complications

    What’s really exciting about FertiliTea for the reproductive system is that it does not cause any allergic reactions or  side effects  . Although this may seem abstract, it is really true. Namely, FertiliTea for the reproductive system has undergone various clinical studies and proven to be one of the most effective and pioneering products for improving women’s reproductive health

    Therefore, FertiliTea tea for the reproductive system does not cause any allergic or unwanted reactions, but on the contrary, it contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive system in both young and older women. In addition, it is suitable for girls older than eighteen years. If you don’t believe us, you can find more information about this tea for the reproductive system by visiting one of the many FertiliTea forums. There you will have the opportunity to read different experiences and comments of users of FertiliTea tea that will surely convince you of all this.

    So there is nothing to worry about. You can use FertiliTea tea for the reproductive system without any fear of any negative effects on your body. Join thousands of women around the world and take control of your reproductive health.

    FertiliTea – price – where to buy in Macedonia

    Of course, many women in Macedonia are often interested in the price and availability of certain products. So as not to delay any longer, we will tell you right away where you can get FertiliTea for the reproductive system and how you can order it. It is important to note that FertiliTea tea for the reproductive system is not available on the sales pages of Pazar3, nor can it be found in pharmacies. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask about its price in pharmacies.

    Fitočaj Fertili Tea – recept za žensku snagu

    • Uklanja upalematerice, jajnika, mlečnih žlezda
    • Obnavljahormonski balans i mikrofloru
    • Stabilizujemenstrualni ciklus
    Naruči odmah
    i ostvari popust od 50%




    Poznati su vam ovi simptomi?


    Za80%ginekologa ovi simptomi su povod za hormonsku terapiju. Ali šteta koju izazivaju veštački hormoni može da bude opasnija od same bolesti

    Evo kratkog spiska posledica hormonske terapije

    Suvišni kilogrami

    A šta će vama da donese lečenje hormonima? Bezopasne akne ili rak? To ne može predvideti čak ni najbolji doktor.

    picEvo zašto medicina zasnovana na dokazima ne vidi smisla u hormonskom lečenju PMS-a, neplodnosti, endometrioze, mastopatije, adneksitisa i drugih bolesti.

    Neophodno je samo u 1-2% slučajeva kada je život žene ugrožen (pucanje cisti, rizik od pobačaja itd.). Je li to vredno rizika?

    Fertili Tea: biljke umesto hormona

    Fertili Tea je biljna mešavina napravljena posebno za žene. U njegovom sastavu nalaze se lekovite biljke koje blago regulišu hormonalni balans, obnavljaju ženski genitourinarni sistem i povećavaju plodnost.


    Napitak pomaže kod ginekoloških problema kao što su:

    upala materice i jajnika
    poremećaji menstrualnog ciklusa
    neprijatni osećaji u klimaksu
    hormonski poremećaji
    Zašto jeFertili Tea boljiod hormona?
    Bezbedan je po zdravlje
    ne sadrži agresivne sintetičke komponente
    Ne šteti srcu i krvnim sudovima
    biljke u sastavu čaja Fertili Tea poboljšavaju krvotok i jačaju zidove krvnih sudova
    Ne izaziva trombozu i proširene vene
    za razliku od preparata na bazi estrogena, ne utiče na zgrušavanje krvi
    Ne izaziva rast dlaka po telu
    rizik od disbalansa androgena sveden je na nulu
    Sprečava nakupljanje kilograma
    ne izaziva skokove nivoa glukoze u krvi koji dovode do aktivnog rasta masnog tkiva
    Umiruje i poboljšava raspoloženje
    bioflavonoidi u čaju Fertili Tea ubrzavaju sintezu seratonina, “hormona sreće”

    Odobrila medicina zasnovana na dokazima


    Formula čaja Fertili Tea:s ljubavlju prema ženama!
    Sprečava razvoj tumora, poseduje antioksidativna svojstva, štiti od prevremenog starenja, normalizuje težinu
    Regulira proizvodnju estrogena i progesterona, snižava sklonost ka odlivima, obnavlja plodnost
    Uklanja upale i umiruje
    Uklanja bol i grčeve, olakšava simptome klimaksa i PMS-a
    Podmlađuje endokrini sistem, sprečava hormonalni disbalans
    Normalizuje mikrofloru, štiti od razdraženosti, svraba i peckanja sluzokože
    Specijalistipreporučuju Fertili Tea

    Nakon 1-2 tretmana čajem Fertili Tea samo za poslednja 2 meseca, 43 moje pacijentkinje su konačno ostale u drugom stanju . A još 124 se rešilo upalnih oboljenja ženskog polnog sistema: endometritisa, endometrioze, mastopatije itd. Kod 2 žene su izlečeni policistični jajnici . A koliko se rešilo bolova u stomaku pre menstruacije i neprijatnih simptoma klimaksa, ne može se ni izbrojati!

    Čudo? Ne, čista nauka! Biljke u sastavu čaja Fertili Tea su dostojna i bezbedna zamena za hormonsku terapiju. Bogate su bioflavonoidima i estrogenim jedinjenjima koji se lagano ugrađuju u endokrini sistem i stimuliraju je na proizvodnju sopstvenih hormona koji su veoma važni za aktivan život i uspešno začeće.


    Čudo? Ne,
    čista nauka!

    Milena Popovićstručnjak za žensko zdravlje

    Fertili Tea izbor srećnih žena

    pic pic pic






    maja_gavrilović Pretplati se


    picmaja_gavrilović Izgleda kao obični #fitočaj , a toliko problema je rešio! Menstruacije dobijam redovno, tačno u dan, nema bubuljica, stomak me više ne boli. I više nemam želju za čokoladom!

    Dodajte komentar…

    jelena_kovač Pretplati se

    Novi Sad

    picjelena_kovač Zbog hiperfunkcije jajnika hteli su da ih odstrane. Spasio me je čaj #Fertili Tea koji mi je preporučila komšinica. Za 2 nedelje su jajnici bili u normali i s hormonima je sve u redu, a ja se osećam super!


    Vera_1988 Pretplati se



    Vera_1988 Nisam mogla da ostanem trudna 6 godina. Pila sam hormone, ugojila se 14 kg, upropastila jetru i želudac, a nije bilo svrhe.

    Ko bi mogao pomisliti da #biljničaj koji mi je preporučila drugarica može da mi podari Čudo! Pila sam #Fertili Tea 2 meseca. Primetila sam da sam smirenija, više nije bilo promena raspoloženja, osećam se bolje.

    A pre 2 nedelje se dogodio najveći događaj u mom životu: 2 crtice na testu! Zamislite, za 9 meseci biću mama!!!

    1 šolja čaja Fertili Tea +100 za žensko zdravlje
    korak 1
    Prelijte1 supenu kašiku čaja
    1 l kipuće vode

    korak 2
    Pokrijtei ostavite da odstoji 15-20 minuta

    korak 3
    Proceditei pijte čaj tokom dana

    Kako naručitiFertili Tea?
    korak 1

    Ispuniteobrazac za naručivanje, navedite kontakt podatke

    korak 2

    Sačekajte pozivoperatera radi usaglašavanja detalja narudžbenice

    korak 3


    Ostvarite popusti platite na vama odgovarajući način

    olakšava simptome PMS-a i klimaksa
    pomaže kod začeća

    Fertili Tea: hormoni u harmoniji

    • Uklanja upalematerice, jajnika, mlečnih žlezda
    • Obnavljahormonski balans i mikrofloru
    • Stabilizujemenstrualni ciklus
    Naruči sad
    i ostvari popust od 50%            Order Naw










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