ingredients Glucose for food, ginseng, polyconatum, jujube, longan, fructus lycii, yam, lotus seed, glycyrrhiza uralensis. how to use 2 times a day In the morning for 30 milliliters of water 10 drops Evening for 30 milliliters of water 10 drops Course for 3 months
Hyperguard is a new medication that effectively combats high blood pressure. It uses the latest technology to control blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health. Investigation into the composition of Hyperguard capsules reveals how this medication combats high blood pressure at its source. Explore the mechanisms behind Hyperguard’s action to see how it addresses the physiological variables that contribute to high blood pressure. Discover the distinct advantages that Hyperguard has over conventional hypertension medications, such as increased efficacy and fewer side effects. When evaluated alongside conventional medications, Hyperguard provides a comprehensive understanding of its role in managing high blood pressure. Investigation into the effect of dietary changes, including a heart-healthy diet, on the effectiveness of Hyperguard in controlling high blood pressure.
Support cardiovascular health
HyperGuard dietary supplement from Hyper Guard is carefully designed to promote overall health by nurturing cardiovascular health. Its unique blend of natural ingredients such as Hawthorn, Arginine, Magnesium, Garlic, Niacin and Vitamin C have been specifically selected for their potential benefits in promoting heart health and reducing inflammation. These ingredients work synergistically to support the cardiovascular system and help maintain a healthy heart.
Key Ingredients of Well-Being
Each ingredient in HyperGuard plays a critical role in supporting cardiovascular health. Hawthorn contributes to cardiovascular health, arginine promotes vasodilation, magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, niacin helps manage cholesterol levels, and vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant. This comprehensive formula ensures that every aspect of heart health is effectively addressed, providing a holistic approach to wellness.
Public health promotion
By incorporating HyperGuard into their daily routine as recommended, individuals may experience significant improvements in heart health and overall wellness. The unique formulation of the supplement not only supports cardiovascular health, but also provides anti-inflammatory benefits. This natural solution provides individuals with the opportunity to naturally improve their health and maintain a healthy lifestyle through essential nutrients.
A comprehensive solution for well-being
HyperGuard is designed to effectively address cardiovascular issues and promote overall health by providing vital nutrients to the body. Whether one is looking to boost heart health naturally or manage high blood pressure in a holistic manner, HyperGuard stands out as a comprehensive solution. By focusing on supporting the cardiovascular system and overall well-being, HyperGuard provides individuals with a reliable option to improve their health while prioritizing the vitality of their heart.
After blood vessel cleansing, the elderly stop having high blood pressure and the nine chronic diseases go away.

Kelvin Anyango is a cardiologist and professor. He is known for treating people without prescribing pills. At the same time, every patient treated by him recovers. Among the professor’s patients are famous people from all over Africa, and even from Europe.
Professor Anyango rarely gives interviews as he spends most of his time treating patients. However, this channel’s journalist was lucky: the famous doctor agreed to answer several questions for those patients who do not have the opportunity to make an appointment at the clinic.
Kelvin Anyango IS ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT ANYONE CAN CARRY OUT A CURATIVE CLEANSING OF THE BLOOD VESSELS AT HOME AND GREATLY IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Such cleansing helps to get rid of blood pressure spikes and cures nine chronic diseases of pensioners.
The doctor told us how to do a healing cleanse; you can read all about it below. In addition, this article addresses the topics:
- Living to the age of 120 without pills is real!
- Why do chronic diseases go hand-in-hand with clogged vessels?
- Obvious and hidden signs of clogged blood vessels
Clogged blood vessels can cause some serious diseases.
Professor Kelvin Anyango:
I will give you some data that, I hope, will make you reflect upon this.
The most serious and severe diseases for humanity are CARDIOVASCULAR. Cholesterol is the main culprit. High blood cholesterol promotes the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, which leads to serious consequences.
94% of people over 40 years old start having high blood cholesterol as a result of it building up.
Every single person could celebrate their 120th birthday if it weren’t for cholesterol build-up in blood vessels.
How does cholesterol work and what is it? I will not give a description of this substance here, as you can read all about it in medical textbooks. It’ll be easier to explain it: Imagine the cold grease left in an unwashed pan after lunch. This is what cholesterol looks like.
This substance, being in the blood, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. First, a small plaque (at the age of 20-25), then the cholesterol layer grows rapidly (at the age of 25-40) as more particles stick to the sticky layer. AS A RESULT, BY THE AGE OF 40, CHOLESTEROL HAS REDUCED THE SPACE IN THE VESSELS BY ALMOST HALF. In response to this, the heart has no choice but to increase the blood pressure. A person has age-related pblood ressure spikes and hypertension with all the consequences. But even that is not the most dangerous thing!
Much more dangerous is the fact that cholesterol completely clogs the small blood vessels that are present in all tissues. As a result of impaired blood supply, pathological processes develop in internal organs. Against this background, a person has chronic pain.
First, your stomach hurts, then your spleen, and after a while you have stenosis of the liver and pancreas. Usually in such cases they say that a person’s health is ruined. Cholesterol is what triggers this process most often.

Literally everything depends on the state of the body’s blood vessels. If the blood vessels become clogged in the legs, this leads to varicose veins, constant oedema and eternal heaviness in the legs. If this occurs in the liver, hepatosis and cirrhosis occur. If it occurs in the joints, then arthritis and osteoarthritis or pain in the spine appear. If the blood vessels are blocked in the eyes, the person gradually becomes blind.
Obstruction of the blood vessels cannot be avoided! Cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels of each person. Blockage of blood vessels is the cause of rapid aging.
Cholesterol causes the body to age prematurely. Clogged blood vessels cause poor blood flow, which significantly reduces life quality and causes diseases.
It’s not just cholesterol: these other substances also clog your blood vessels!
Professor Kelvin Anyango:
Cholesterol is not the only thing; there are two more substances that accumulate in the blood vessels!
Mass of blood clots
If cholesterol resembled fat, then thrombosis mass (blood clots) are like cottage cheese. Thrombosis forms and builds up on the inner side of blood vessels. The risk of developing thrombosis is increased when blood cholesterol is high. At any moment, blood clots can break off of blood vessel walls and fall into the heart. This causes serious consequences.
The older the person, the greater the risk that a clot will dislodge.
Calcium crystals
These are heavy metal salts, mercury, and various chemicals accumulated during your life. If a person, for example, worked on dangerous production lines, then they have more of such deposits. Although, considering the current ecology, calcium deposits accumulate in everyone. As has already been shown, these substances are CARCINOGENIC. That is, they promote abnormal cell division, which leads to cancer.

Get yourself checked! Make sure you know what to do when your blood vessels are clogged.
Professor Kelvin Anyango:
I can tell you right away; if you have never cleansed your blood vessels and you are over the age of 50, then your blood vessels are clogged. If you cleanse them, YOU WILL FEEL BETTER ALMOST IMMEDIATELY.
Clogged Vessel Symptoms:
- Swollen body in the morning
- Ringing in the ears
- Floaters in the eyes
- Joint pain
- Dizziness
- Insomnia at night and sleepiness during the day
- Feeling of constant fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Memory impairment
- Varicose veins
- Dyspnoea
- Common gastrointestinal problems
- Overweight
Do you mean that blood vessel cleansing can stabilize blood pressure and make living a long life possible?
Professor Kelvin Anyango:
Exactly. In the clinic we now prescribe blood vessel cleansing to all patients over the age of 50 (some over 40). And after cleansing, we re-examine them. IN APPROXIMATELY 9 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE, THEIR BLOOD PRESSURE IS NORMALISED IMMEDIATELY AFTER CLEANSING AND THEY REQUIRE NO FURTHER TREATMENT.
In other words, it’s possible that many of those who now take daily drops to stabilise their blood pressure could live without them. All they need do is to cleanse their blood vessels. Even if the hypertension does not go away completely (and this also happens), they still feel much better!
Unfortunately, this simple way to normalise blood pressure is hidden by corrupt doctors and pharmaceutical companies, who profit from long and expensive treatments. After all, the longer a person is sick, the more they will spend on medication. It is beneficial for them. Cleansing the blood vessels is easy, cheap and quickly helps to recover good health.
A pensioner was cured of hypertension with a vascular cleansing. And there are many people in the same situation…
I want to show you a letter from a pensioner named Jumapili Langmore. The doctors at a local clinic had basically given up on her. The pensioner herself couldn’t visit us, so her daughter called and asked us for help. How could we do this remotely? I can’t even give diagnoses by phone, so we just recommended having her blood vessels cleansed.
After 3 months, Jumapili herself wrote to us! I want to show you her letter.

A huge thanks for helping me go back to a normal life. When my daughter called, I was in a really poor condition. It was as if I wasn’t completely here consciously, everything was foggy. I didn’t even have a clue as to what I was thinking because of the high blood pressure. The doctors didn’t give me any good news, but my daughter didn’t give up on me. She recommended that product that you sent me and it really helped. My blood pressure started going back to normal gradually. A week ago I saw the doctor to have tests done. He was really surprised to see me and was even more amazed when he saw the test results. They were nearly perfect, like I wasn’t sick anymore. I’d like to thank you again, you saved me just in time.
THIS IS THE MIRACLE THAT CAN HAPPEN AFTER CLEANSING THE BLOOD VESSELS. Although there is actually no miracle here, everything is crystal clear.
A method of cleansing the blood vessels for pensioners and hypertensives.
Professor Kelvin Anyango:
To date, there is only one product that performs this task well. Its name is HyperGuard. This drug was created in 2023 by the Vascular and Cardiac Institute. The medicine contains approximately 8 active components: extracts of plants useful for blood vessels, glucose, micro and macroelements.
The most important ingredients in HyperGuard are the so-called BIOFLAVONOIDS, which are capable of ‘eating’ the substances that accumulate in the blood vessels. They dissolve cholesterol, blood clots and calcium crystals.
Bioflavonoids were discovered in 2007 by Japanese scientists. For their research in this area, two Japanese scientists received the Nobel Prize. Today, bioflavanoids are actively used in world medicine.
By the way, the Japanese themselves began to pay increased attention to the cleansing of blood vessels for people aged 40-50 years in 1965, when the National Programme for the Improvement of Health and Longevity was adopted. Under this law, cleansing of blood vessels is a must. And today we see the result of such a decision. Japan holds the record for life expectancy. Living up to 100 years of age is common for Japanese people. Previously Japanese cleansed their blood vessels with herbs, exercise and yoga; now they are using special products based on bioflavanoids.
How long should we take HyperGuard for to cleanse blood vessels?
On average, the course lasts for no less than 3 months. When you finish it, you should check your health status.
I will list what HyperGuard will do to your body and health during the cleanse, as well as for several months afterward.
Cleansing and recovery of blood vessels
Bioflavonoids of medical herbs in HyperGuard dissolve cholesterol deposits, blood clots and calcium deposits. Due to ginseng polygonatum, the remedy increases vascular tone and restores their elasticity. According to studies, after a month’s course blood vessels become clean and elastic just like at 25-30. Small capillaries are restored. As a result, a person’s blood pressure stops spiking, fatigue and sleepiness disappear, and wounds and cuts heal faster. In addition, people get an energy boost, and their well-being improves.
It will restore internal organs and joints
After cleansing the blood vessels, the restoration of the internal organs will begin. Fortunately, nature has given us a property: cell regeneration. As a result, many diseases disappear. For example, if your pancreas or spleen hurts at the moment, it will stop hurting. Very often ulcers of the stomach and duodenum heal after cleansing the blood vessels. In addition, joints are restored. Cracks and pops in the neck, back and joints disappear. Cartilage comes back to life. Knees and toes no longer react to weather changes. Joint mobility returns to normal.
It will melt excess fat
Excess weight is what aggravates the condition of hypertensive patients and elderly people up to 4 to 5 times more. The greater the weight, the greater the load on the blood vessels, heart and joints. Often the cause of weight gain is the clogging of the blood vessels, since glucose cannot be excreted from the tissues in the correct amount. After cleansing the deposits from the blood vessels, the weight begins to disappear automatically. Also, HyperGuard contains an lychee fruit extract, which accelerates the breakdown of fat.
It will restore sight and memory
HyperGuard restores the micro vessels of the fundus in the eye, as a result of which vision gradually normalises. Many people begin to see bus numbers from afar and are able to insert the thread back into the needle. There is a full restoration of the blood vessels in the eyes. Those who have cleansed their blood vessels do not face blindness at all! All ophthalmologists know this.
It restores potency in men!
One of the amazing effects of blood vessel cleansing is that the hormone testosterone begins to be produced again in men. As a result, prostatitis disappears, and prostate adenoma is delayed. And also the power returns. If you are under 70, you can have sex again.

Butterfly effect in the elderly and hypertensive
The action of HyperGuard is similar to the flapping of a butterfly’s wing, because it causes a chain reaction of the health of the internal organs and the improvement of well-being. Starting with the normalisation of blood vessels and ending with the restoration of vision and joints.
3 months after cleansing the blood vessels, you will feel as if you have been reborn. At the same time, patients feel noticeable improvements every week.
Easy wake up
You get up easily from bed in the mornings; you do not need to force yourself to get up, kneading and rubbing your legs, cracking your back and neck. From first thing in the morning, the body is filled with energy and strength.
You have excellent well-being and mood
From first thing in the morning and for the whole day. You sleep well. You feel rejuvenated. You don’t have to go to the bathroom multiple times at night. Nothing hurts or itches.
Tasty breakfast
Your menu will expand significantly. You no longer have to follow a strict diet. If you eat ‘something bad’, you will no longer have heartburn or stitches in the side.
Physical force
When leaving the house, you no longer have to worry about your legs: you will not perceive walking as a burden, you can walk all day, and your legs do not get tired and do not swell. You have no more shortness of breath or dizziness. You will be able to return to working with pleasure in your house and garden.
Absolute tranquility
You are completely calm and relaxed. No more constant pain eating away at you, preventing you from focusing on anything else. When nothing hurts, the usual things, the sounds, the smells begin to have new forgotten colours.
You have perfect vision
Even severely damaged vision will gradually begin to recover. What you have seen before as blurry will become clear. You can again see the bus number from afar, again admire the beauties of nature.
And the most important thing! NOW YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT DROPS. Forget about the nightmare of going to pharmacies to look for medicines to lower blood pressure. This will be a thing of the past for you, as your blood pressure will stop jumping!
Shortage of HyperGuard in local pharmacies!
As far as we know, buying HyperGuard in pharmacies is extremely difficult. This product is rarely available. Is that right? And what could you advise people?
HyperGuard is produced in limited small batches and therefore simply does not make it to pharmacies. Unfortunately, most go abroad; others are bought by private clinics.
Unfortunately, we do not have this product in sufficient quantity for all hypertensive patients in our country. Therefore, we decided to give it to those who fill in the form on the site first. You will also receive a 50% discount.
If you want to cure your hypertension with this unique product, I recommend that you order it as soon as possible while it is still available.
Conditions for obtaining HyperGuard:
- You must be in the selected region. We do not send HyperGuard out of this area.
- The purchase of HyperGuard is allowed ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE. We ask resellers to leave the product for other people! Taking advantage of the elderly is inhumane!
- The product can be requested on this website by completing the special form below. You must write your telephone number for our medical consultant to contact you.
Take advantage of this opportunity before others do!
If you want to improve the health of your body and eliminate sudden blood pressure spikes with the help of deep cleansing of the blood vessels, order the product as soon as possible, while it is still available.

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