Yenki Derm REVIEW 2024


Winky Derm Balm for Psoriasis. Active Ingredients: Egg Oil, Bentonite Clay, Centella Extract, Indian Chrysanthemum Extract, Beeswax, Shea Butter (Karite), Hydroxyphenylpropamide Obenzoic Acid, Salicylic Acid. No local celebrities in the designs (pre-launch, landing, banners)

Tips on how to protect yourself from psoriasis and other skin diseases Skin care and maintenance play a very important function, not only to maintain overall health, but also to maintain the health of the body.  Today, individuals are increasingly faced with various skin diseases, among which skin diseases of many types are particularly well-known and common.  What is dermatology and how reviews guarantee skin health, says Yinky Derm, distinguished medical dermatologist and venereologist Oksana Artemyeva.  Skin diseases are a group of conditions characterized by the appearance of pimples and autoimmune disorders of the skin.


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Yenki Derm, a natural cream that promotes healthy skin, is best used when psoriasis symptoms appear or when they get worse. By combining traditional Chinese recipes with advanced manufacturing techniques, this unique treatment not only improves skin condition but also reduces the symptoms of psoriasis. This annoying problem has an effective and risk-free solution according to YinkyDerm’s natural technology.New LinkyDerm Psoriasis Treatment is an all-natural moisturizer. You can quickly learn about herbal treatment by reading this entire article. Your knowledge will be improved: Why does a person use Yenki Derm? How do customers feel and talk? What are the instructions for using the cream? Where can I buy Winky Derm and how much? Can I buy it from Mercado Libre and pharmacies?

After one use, YinkyDerm is an excellent treatment for psoriasis. The cream stabilizes and improves sensitive skin quickly. WinkyDerm treats psoriasis by “killing” the source of the disease. The medication reduces itching, swelling, and redness when taken for the first time. WinkyDerm accelerates the tissue repair process. Since the moisturizer contains healthy ingredients, you should use it. Use it without question.

Irish Yenki Derm users are already reviewing the product. Look for it on the most popular online health forums. Learn important information about the price of Yenki Derm 2024.

Purpose of Winky Derm?

Yenki Derm Biomedical Cream treats psoriasis. Boosts the skin’s immune system and skin health. Yenki Derm also aims to prevent recurrence of the disease. LinkyDerm is the first natural treatment for psoriasis. Its organic base normalizes metabolic activity and acid-base balance. It cleanses the skin quickly, boosts immunity, and is safe.

Cream feedback – good and bad

LinkyDerm for psoriasis offers many benefits.

    • Beneficial for all stages of psoriasis.
    • Reduced annoying symptoms.
    • Accelerate action and prolong effects;
    • Accelerates cell and organ regeneration.
    • Stop relapse
    • Used exclusively by plants.

Guide to Yenki Derm clients

How do Yenki Derm customers rate it? Irish people love bio psoriasis cream. For this reason, thousands of satisfied customers recommend Yenki Derm daily. Instagram and Facebook have many of these tools. Please note that many consumers believe that Yenki Derm is safe and better than medication. This is because it uses exclusively biomaterials. May be recommended by reputable dermatologists who love Yenki Derm. Advanced psoriasis cream is gaining popularity. This is a popular skin care product from Yenki Derm.


Makeup and ingredients included

Yenki Derm Psoriasis Cream is all natural. It was studied over four years by pharmacy institutes in Germany, England and Canada. More than 120 experimental combinations were examined.

Where to find Yenki Derm in Ireland? how much does it cost?

Where can I buy Yinky Derm cream and how much does it cost? The official website sells Yenki Derm at a reasonable price in 2024. It can only be obtained legally this way. Visit the page and fill out the short application. Within a few days, a great Yenki Derm offer will be included in your package.

More deals and sales are available to you online. The official seller of the soothing psoriasis cream imposed unique conditions. Yenki Derm is cheaper if you act quickly.

Ingredients – What does Yinky Derm contain?

  • Salicylic acid:  helps exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of plaques.
  • Oat extract:  Known for its soothing properties, it soothes irritation and itching.
  • Hemp oil:  Rich in omega fatty acids, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Tea Tree Extract:  It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Aloe Vera:  Promotes skin healing and regeneration.
  • Horsetail:  A source of silica, which helps strengthen the skin.

For the full list of ingredients, it is recommended to review the leaflet included with the product or consult the official Yenki Derm website. Depending on the product, this detailed information ensures that users are well informed about what the cream contains.

✅Click here to buy Yenki Derm from the official website👍👍

Yinky Derm’s composition and ingredients. how

Do you use? He works

Skin diseases have different composition elements in terms of incident and clinical manifestations, and different methods of treatment are applied. The root causes of the components of these diseases can be external (external), for example skin trauma, direct exposure to cold and heat on the skin, ionizing rays, ultraviolet radiation, and internal (internal), which are really acting, for example, bacteria, viruses, insect attacks. Unbalanced nutrition, metabolic problems, etc. One of the most common types of skin diseases is psoriasis, or lichen scaly.

  • It is a chronic skin disease characterized by damage to the skin, nails and joints.
  • Psoriasis is most common in women and men between the ages of 15 and 40, but it can develop at any age.
  • The cause of the disease remains uncertain, but genetic aspects, anxiety, metabolic conditions and autoimmune measures play an essential role.
  • If you suspect psoriasis and feel symptoms similar to it, you should definitely consult a YinkeDerm family doctor or skin specialist to undergo the required tests and make an accurate medical diagnosis.

Although psoriasis cannot be cured, its symptoms can be alleviated with YenkyDerm.

Indications for use of Yinky Derm

Psoriasis problems

Psoriasis is a condition that greatly affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it. WinkyDerm is offered as a solution for those seeking relief from the symptoms of this condition, such as redness, itching and plaque formation. According to the product, regular use of this cream can help improve the appearance of the skin, providing great relief.

Dry and irritated skin

In addition to treating specific psoriasis issues, YinkyDerm is also beneficial for people with dry and irritated skin. The cream deeply moisturizes and soothes the skin, thanks to its ingredients that promote cell regeneration. This is especially important to maintain the skin’s protective barrier in optimal condition.

Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is another factor that can exacerbate skin conditions such as psoriasis. Yinky Derm, as indicated by the manufacturer, contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals, thus contributing to the overall health of the skin. This means that in addition to treating visible symptoms, YinkyDerm works to improve skin health at a deeper level.

Effects of use – How does Linky Derm cream work?

YinkyDerm works by providing deep hydration and reducing skin inflammation, which are two key factors in managing psoriasis and other similar conditions. According to the product, its unique formula helps normalize the cell renewal process, which can significantly reduce the appearance of plaques and crusts. Additionally, relief from itching and irritation are immediate effects that users may experience.

YinkyDerm’s success lies in its ability to treat multiple aspects of psoriasis. Not only does it improve the appearance of the skin, but it also contributes to an overall feeling of well-being by alleviating some of the most bothersome symptoms of this condition. This is achieved through regular and consistent use of the cream, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

If nothing else works for your psoriasis try Yenki Derm

Yenki Derm is effective because it has a “permanent” effect and eliminates the cause of psoriasis

  • 100% natural product! Consists of all-natural ingredients.
  • Restores a healthy look to the facial skin with the help of chamomile flower and egg oil.
  • Curcuma and and sophora inhibit the autoimmune reactions that are the cause of this problem.
  • Salicylic acid, centella, and oat extract neutralise the effects of toxins that cause skin irritation.
  • The body’s natural systems are activated, which is not the case with other remedies.


Psoriasis makes life hell


Unbearable pain
Bleeding, pain, unbearable itching, spots all over the body.

Looks, whispers behind one’s back, poorly concealed disgust from others.

Isolation and loneliness
Inability to find a good job, love, marriage, or start a family.

Why isn’t there more information about this medicine?

Specialist Cheng Linji: ‘Yenki Derm shatters the myth that psoriasis is incurable’

Yenki Derm is the first all-natural treatment for psoriasis. Modern science and the wisdom of Chinese medicine have come together to create Yenki Derm, a renewing cream for face and body, developed from an ancient Chinese recipe and refined with modern technology.
Yenki Derm recipe is based on natural ingredients that have been used for centuries to maintain healthy skin, as well as modern substances that promote rapid skin regeneration.
For more than eight years, the best experts from China and Europe worked on the final formula of Yenki Derm. In 2023, the product was recognised as one of the best solutions for psoriatic skin care.
Specialist N.M.
Specialist naturalist, honorary member of the International Academy of Natural Methods of Chronic Disease Management

Yenki Derm – a natural and safe way
to get rid of psoriasis

Yenki Derm cream was developed on the basis of many years of research by Chinese specialists. This remedy has already helped thousands of people to get rid of the seemingly unsolvable problem of psoriasis.

John Pegano

“What you see on your skin is a clear indicator of what is going on inside the body. The outward signs can be removed, but the problem will come back again. Can a psoriasis sufferer live a life without pain, unsightly patches and high costs? Yes! There is a solution to psoriasis that leads us to a natural solution to the problem.
Apply the cream on the affected area several times a day and rub gently into the skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it off. That’s it.”

Chinese expert Liu Jianwei, author of “Getting rid of psoriasis: a natural alternative”

5 reasons why Yenki Derm is betterthan other products

Most products only treat the symptoms of psoriasis, so it keeps coming back. Yenki Derm fights the causes that lead to the problem. This is the main benefit of a natural solution to psoriasis.

1. 100% natural ingredients

It has no contraindications and negative effects accompanying synthetic remedies. It can be combined with other products.

2. Dual Action

This product stimulates tissue regeneration so it can be used in cases of superficial skin injuries.

3. A natural way to solve the problem

Stimulates the restoration of the body’s natural functions, so that you can get rid of psoriasis completely.

4. Total elimination

Detoxification, suppression of autoimmune reactions and skin repair. The components of this product help to solve all problems.
Without addiction

5. Non-addictive

Does not contain any addictive ingredients. Has a long lasting effect.

Yenki Derm cream’s scientific formula combines the power of all the ingredients

Turmeric, Sophora and Golden Chamomile:

These plants are powerful antioxidants and antiseptics. They relieve itching and reduce inflammation, providing quick relief from symptoms.


These ingredients help the healing botanicals penetrate deeper and promote accelerated skin renewal, shortening the healing phase to three weeks.


It nourishes and moisturises the skin, restores its protective function and prevents new manifestations of psoriasis.

How does Yenki Derm defeat psoriasis?



Neutralizes and removes intestinal toxins from the body
Result: Pain, itching, and scaling disappear.


Removes factors that cause autoimmune reactions
Result: Inflammatory processes disappear.


Stimulates the skin’s recovery process.
Result: The skin regains a healthy appearance.

We have invested over 2 billion dinars in the development of the Yenki Derm product.

The formula was created after 8 years of research
with the participation of independent laboratories from China and Europe. More than 120 experimental forms have been tested.
80% of Yenki Derm cream ingredients are imported.
All ingredients undergo strict control of raw material purification, ecological purity and concentration of active ingredients.
Purchased a modern production line for the Yenki Derm product

Comments from individuals who have tried and successfully resolved their psoriasiswith the help of the Yenki Derm product.

How to order and receive your order?

Submit a request on the website
A Yenki Derm specialist will contact you
The order will be delivered in an unmarked package
You pay for the order at the post office
Use Yenki Derm and enjoy life without psoriasis.

If you hesitate, the chances of being free from psoriasis diminish every day…

If the problem is not addressed immediately, joints may deteriorate in the near future, paralysis may occur and even disability may occur. Stop saving money. If you value your health, try Yenki Derm – it is effective and affordable.







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